What to Pack When You Visit Japan
Japan is certainly one of the countries in the world that promises a lot of exotic wonder and beauty, truly providing visitors everywhere with a number of attractions to check out. It’s also one of the many places where one can find the language barrier to be rather strong, since not very many locals speak English, or fluently at the very least. You will certainly find it challenging to visit Japan, however, since you’ll get to experience a totally unique setting which has a lot to offer. If you’re planning to take a trip to Japan, there are a few things you need: How much living in Japan costs to take with you.
– Always bring the most convenient footwear and socks possible. When taking a trip to Japan, expect a lot of walking and climbing up stairs, trails, and the like. Japan is mountainous by nature, and you’d often see that most people walk rather than ride. You’ll probably end up visiting several temples, or households which are quite traditional in practice. There are even some clothes shops in the country which oblige you to take your shoes off upon entering the premises. Of course, it’s also wise to bring a pair of squeaky clean socks with you, especially if you’ve been invited over to the house of a Japanese family. Making sure you wear clean socks speaks highly of your politeness.
– It is highly recommended that you bring light luggage with you when traveling to Japan. You will certainly be making stops to several locations by bus or train as these are the primary means of transportation in the country. You’ll find that these modes of transportation can be quite crowded, most especially when you’re traveling in rush hour. If you don’t want to slow yourself down while visiting the country, don’t bring heavy luggage with you.
– Never forget any medication. If you’re planning to travel to this country during the summer, you just might discover that it can be a bit too sunny for your liking. You might even succumb to fever or headaches. However, it is during summer where there’s a lot of rainfall as well. Therefore, always remember to bring a raincoat or an umbrella with you.
– It’s essential to bring tissues and handkerchiefs as well. You just might be surprised, but when you visit Japan, you won’t be seeing toilet paper in any of the public restrooms or bathrooms. Most establishments also don’t have paper towels handy for visitors and customers, so it would be wise for you to keep this in mind. A small handkerchief would also be advisable if you want to dry your hands.
– Pack your own chopsticks. Although restaurants can provide these, if you’re someone who’s concerned about hygiene, it’s recommended that you bring your own chopsticks.
– Be sure to have a Japanese dictionary with you. Most of the Japanese folks in the countryside speak only very little or no English at all. Communication might be very difficult if you do not know even just some basic Japanese words.